- Creator of Galactic Conquest , Unification Wars by Stephen Yong
  What Is This? 

GamesTotal created, design, ran & hosted several MMORPG , MMO & Online Games . Started in Feb 2003 up to Oct 2020 running for 17 years. Sadly, GamesTotal game servers have since been shut down mainly because the data center decided to discontinue this service (IBM Softlayer) together with other reasons such as age and the waning interest of the various people who maintains and runs the server. These people whom used to be kids are now marrieds having with their own kids, interest and responsibility have changed so much in the last 17 years.

  Our Statistics  

Over 3 million registered players from all around the world

During its peak in 2005-2006:
Close to 1000 simultaneous players online
40-50 million page views a day
50 million+ people per month have seen GamesTotal game in various large websites around the world

During of our active era, we have around or close to 1000 simutanous players on a single game, for example Unification Wars with 647 players at 7 AM in the morning without any death-matches or other events on.

  Who Is Games Total ?  

We are an independent (indie) organization. There is no corporate tie-worker nor there is any large company that owns and run this.

We operate mainly thanks to various volunteers donating their time to help us improve our services from being an admin and catching spammers and abusive users, testers and to those who helps us out via financial contribution.

Our goal is to provide a game environment that allows volunteers and players to improve the game and to guide the direction of the game to what they want. The game that you see now (or years from now) is what our players want (at the very least the direction).

Due to this reason, we are always on the lookout for volunteers to assist us in all areas such as coding/programming, graphics, admin/moderators, guides, editors, story-writers and so on.

I (Stephen Yong) would like to specially thank all the volunteers who have taken so many hours, and years off their busy schedule and life to help us create, design and run our games throughout the years.

  Final good bye from the Creator , Stephen Yong  

I started working on GC in Dec 2002, on the 15th February 2003 the first GC server is up, and in July 2003 is when the first version of UC server is up. It took another 2 years of constant updates to get it to the level that most players know.

I step back from the operations of GC and UC sometime in the year 2005 mainly due to the conflict from me versus players and admin regards to the content and items that should be in, and shouldnt be in game updates. Since then I have given free reign to the admins, and root to wolf after that so that the admins can work and update on the game in the best way that they could. Sadly there isnt much notice-able changes or updates that i can observe even years after root has been given.

The sun rises and will surely sets each and every day, as the seasons surely change and the tide goes in surely goes out out, my little sand castle that I have build (GC+UC) and spent so much time and love into it with great sadness it is time for me to leave the beach, and to leave this sandcastle to the tides and to the setting of the sun. I do understand the difficulty of spending hours on a hobby that is more akin to unpaid volunteer work , as we all know how precious and limited the hours in a day that we have, for work, family, friends and hobby or volunteering work.

I have been funding for the servers for years, regardless of my involvement in the game. I am doing this because i believe the game is by the community for the community, and this is me doing my part. Due to the lack of interest, and low usage, I will be discontinue funding for the server maintenance.

I would like specially thank Treg the first admin and Rutger the first participant for our `open source game project, made and run by the players`. Also to Goldstein owner of Shizmoo for working with us, to bring in over 300 millions visitors to our game. I have noticed that some old players have went off to set up their own GC/UC servers, while I will refrain from commenting I hope that they will at the very least put a simple thank you note some where like `Created by Stephen Yong in 2001`.

Those who wish to contact me, or post comments, or keep in touch may do so via:
Stephen Yong FB Page =
Finally our FB Page = - This is mostly created for the FB login feature

Developed by Friends: Malaysia Barista Coffee Machines for Cafe . Popular Fabric . Cof Pot Trading Malaysia . HobbyNCoffee Barista Classes . Stephen Yong